A Year of Killer Content

😈 $lay Your $ales 😈


💋 Seductive Storytelling

🦈 Deadly Persuasion


✨ Elegant Ease

When you do talk about your offer in your marketing, you get discouraged when engagement is low and sales are still lower. You get less and less incentive to show up in your marketing and your money does the opposite of stack. The whole thing just feels unpleasant.

Sound familiar?

I hear this from sooo many small business baddies. Which is tragic, because their work is incredible, amazing, and could help so many people… if those people only knew about it and how it would absolutely change their lives for the way, way better.

You know how much your people need your work... But THEY don’t yet. 

And something happens when you try to explain it to them… You get blocked.

You stare at your computer screen and can’t figure out what to start typing. You think about going Live and give up when you can’t think of a title.

You start second-guessing. Will they trust you? Will they think you’re qualified?

That is… I hear that at the beginning of a session.

By the end, they’re singing a very different tune.

By the end of a session with me, they are ready to GO. They are hyped because they’ve reconnected with the passionate, fiery WHY behind their work: why it matters to them, why it’s so important to help these people, and how solving this problem will ripple out into the community, future generations, and the world. That’s right, they gain total confidence that more people having access to this beauty, this healing, this joy will change the freaking world for the better..

And when they’re lit up again, when they have that fire burning bright again, oh boi, do they have a whole lot to say. And aligned clients are so drawn to these vibes!!!

Then their offers start selling. And selling. And selling. And selling. Their audience grows. Engagement rates go up.

What if THIS could be YOU?

I’ve had clients make back 8 times their investment in working with me during their soft launch alone. I’ve had clients have super easy launches after realizing how much content they’d already made that they could just repurpose. I’ve had brand new businesses be profitable in 3 months or less following my marketing plans.

You’ll never be at a loss for words again.

And you’ll never lack faith in the value of your work again either.

Your Year of Killer Content

This is like rent-a-marketing director: all the brilliance, slick strategy, and emotional power of a master storyteller- without having to pay the 6-figure salary to have such an expert in-house.

The Deets:

🦈 12 monthly, 90-minute sessions with me where we will set clear goals, review your metrics, and build brilliant marketing tactics for how to get where you want to go FAST. These can be 1:1 sessions or meetings with your marketing team.

💋 3-months free admission to The Squad 🎉 - my community of excellently eccentric entrepreneurs who are about to be your new business besties. You get access to monthly mini-marketing masterclasses, business labs, marketing confidence cheerleadng, a private archive of all my past masterclasses & resources, free copy editing, free marketing asset reviews, & free metrics reviews, plus tons of support & weekly marketing mini-challenges to keep you on track in our private Facebook Group.

You need this.

Know Exactly What to Say to Sell

We’ll meet once a month so I can marketing confidence cheerleader the sh🌻t out of you until you know EXACTLY what to say to get the kind of sales you want and you are so hyped, you can’t wait to say it.

These can be 1:1 sessions or with your marketing team. This is basically like rent-a-marketing director where we will set brilliant goals, design strategy to achieve them, get all our tactics planned, and then you can GO GET YOURS! 🎉

Turn Your Metrics Into Money Makers

Marketing metrics getting you down or just confusing the heck out of you?

No worries. We can put those numbers in context and use that wisdom to inform an absolutely killer content strategy for you moving forward.

Knowing when to pivot and when to stay the course just got a WHOLE lot easier and less stressful.

Marketing Stops Being a “Have To” & Starts Being a “Yay! I GET To 🥳”

Oh, your Killer Content Sessions are going to change your whole vibe.

When you’re this confident, passionate, excited, and lit up- marketing becomes fun. No longer a chore but a PARTY. A party that all your aligned clients want an invite to.

Don’t be surprised when things start to happen real fast. 😉

Just imagine where your business will be after a year of killer content. Your life could totally change. Those things they told you were just “pipe dreams” could be your every-day normal.


Comes with a complimentary 3-month membership to The Squad 🎉

Save 7% with the 1-time annual payment


After checkout, I will be in touch via email to schedule your first session within 1 business day.

Why Clients ❤️ Having Me In Their Corner