The Gift on the Flip Side of Fear

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Not gonna lie, my outlines for my upcoming Marketing Witchery Week workshops read like pretty dope poems. This one might be my favorite.

So here it is in poem form. Come next week for the full magick. 🔮✨

What is fear?

From you to you:

A love letter from your body.

It wants desperately to keep you alive.

It wants desperately to protect you from pain.

Sometimes it gives you one pain to protect you from a worse pain.

Can you imagine all the miraculous conspiracies that had to happen for fear to be here, loving you?

Chaotically improbable, impossibly beautiful chemical dances that somehow exploded from the universe to dance through the root system of your nerves to send you ancient and extremely present messages.


An impossibly intricate, elegant masterpiece of a love letter painstakingly carved and etched by God through the evolution of millennia.

So you can know when you are in danger.

So you can know what you love is in danger.

So you can know what you love.

The thing in common is LOVE.

The flip side of fear is love.

But we’re so caught in the fight/flight/freeze survival of it all.

We’re so used to the toxic manipulation of others’ fear. (We don’t want to feel it, let’s give the fear away.)

Especially in marketing- which is why many of us find it gross.

But what if, instead, we had abundant, nurturing, magickal responses to fear?

What if we lifted up fear to better understand what it is that we love, what it is that we want, what we will protect, what we will fight for? And…

What if loving loudly is all marketing has to be?

If fear gives us clues as to what we care about…


Let’s be so warm and loving and protective and inviting that what it is we care about finds us like a lighthouse wherever they are, wherever we are.

On the flip side of our fear is our capacity to nurture.

What if we focused on that?

We don’t have to make them afraid to follow us.

We don’t have to make them afraid to buy from us.

We just have to make them feel wanted.

Cared for.

Like we’ve been waiting just for them.

There is a place right there we set just for them.

We got their favorite tea, baked their favorite bread.

They accept the invitation and feel,

“No one belongs here more than me.”

“Nothing needs to be fixed.”

“Nothing needs to be improved.”

Because the present is EVERYTHING.

They take part and their bellies and hearts feel full.

Nurtured. Celebrated.

And now they want that present to be their present again and again.

Let’s make marketing like THAT.

We don’t have to run from fear, or use it as a weapon. 

Fear is just a messenger.

Ancient and mossy- not a human weakness or failing.

Let’s just lift it up and see what wonders are underneath, and thank it for its message.

So much of what we work through in Marketing Confidence Cheerleading is fear. Fear of failure, fear of the money not coming through, fear of disappointing or upsetting people, fear of not living up to your own expectations… All this fear can really make it hard to show up to your marketing with warm, enthusiastic, inviting energy… or the sort of energy that magnetically attracts aligned clients.

My clients often come in wanting to look anywhere but at that fear- not realizing that’s
exactly where they need to look to unblock. As uncomfortable as it is to feel, it has so many insights for you. That’s why we’ll be reframing our entrepreneurial relationship with fear during Marketing Witchery Week.

Come to Marketing Witchery Week, and I’ll teach you how to turn your most challenging emotions into selling superpowers. May 22-26. All virtual. $99 💖

Marketing Witchery Week - All Access Pass: Workshops, Coaching, Tarot Spreads, & Guided Meditations

Marketing Witchery Week - All Access Pass: Workshops, Coaching, Tarot Spreads, & Guided Meditations


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Isa Gautschi

M.Isa Messaging CEO


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