Reward Your Best Customers & Most Engaged Followers

Just because your customers haven’t randomly decided to become repeat buyers out of the blue… doesn’t mean they won’t become repeat customers if you give them a good reason to.

Here’s how to do just that. And no, you don’t need a huge following to do it.

You know how Sephora and Unique Vintage can hook ya with those points whenever you buy stuff so your next purchase will have a big discount? Or Fenty Beauty with their free gifts after a certain purchase threshold? Who doesn’t love a good deal? Who doesn’t like to be recognized and rewarded for their loyal support?

Now just because you’re a small business owner or a solopreneur doesn’t mean you can’t similarly pamper your best customers and followers. 

Actually, this can be the easiest, most effective launch you ever do.

I’ve been experimenting with exclusive sale offers JUST to previous Marketing Confidence Cheerleading customers, or JUST to my Instagram followers, etc. for about a year now. And, I gotta tell you… I love doing these sales. Because:

  • They’re Easy: I never offer these perks for more than a week. So, they don’t require much content for promotion. They can also be pretty spur-of-the-moment since they don’t require much prep time.

  • They’re Effective: If people have been thinking about whether or not to make the investment for a while, there’s nothing like an amazing, fast-acting bonus to get them off the fence.

  • They Already Love Me: The point is that you’re making these offers to people who have already indicated that they love your stuff by either buying or being engaged in your content. So, when they see you in their inbox or across their feed, they’re likely to read it and get excited about the deal.

How To Find ‘Em

Your Favorite Customers

You probably know off the top of your head the best customers you’ve had. Who you’d like to work with again.

Great, done. This is to whom you offer a great deal to work with you again.

Your Most Engaged Followers

This one is up to you. Just think of which channels you really appreciate engagement on and what kind of engagement means a lot to you like…

  • Attendance at one of your free events

  • They’ve shared a great testimonial

  • They’ve referred others to you

  • Podcast reviews

  • They’ve posted great stuff about your brand to their audiences

  • The people that open all of your newsletters and click the links

  • Folks who share your Instagram or Facebook Posts

Then, offer them a great deal to show your appreciation.

Make Them An Offer They Can’t Refuse

So what makes a great deal? It’s simple really. Just something to sweeten it.

My go-to is a major cost-savings because adding more into my packages without raising the cost just leads me to burnout and resentment.

Prizes can also be used to great effect. From a bonus consultation, to a care package, to essential oil rollers, to cash money- a prize lottery can be a great incentive. Just always remember: free stuff is only cool if it’s stuff they’ll actually want and use.

Open-Ended = Choice Overload

This approach is most effective when it’s a fast-acting bonus or sale.

Remember, it becomes a cognitively stressful task for humans to make a decision when faced with too many options. And, if the sale goes on for ages, your customers are faced with infinite possibilities for buying this or that, now or later. And when people feel overwhelmed by choosing, they often simply make no decision at all.

The sweet spot for my sales is 3-7 days, but do play around to find yours!

One of my most effective tactics is to offer a super-discounted rate to ONE person, then raise the price a little after each spot is claimed. That gives folks an incentive to purchase sooner rather than later. For an example of this, you can check out my current Spring Secret Sale for my Marketing Confidence Cheerleading 1:1s.

Low-Effort Launch

These are some of my most successful launches because:

  • Since they’re so short, not a lot of promotional content is required. That means, not much time for planning nor content creation is needed.

  • I can largely pull from content I’ve already made to promote the offer. I just gotta add in information about the sale.

  • I make the offer to people who are already in my sphere, so it doesn’t trigger any visibility scares for me.

  • Since I’ve done this a few times and it’s been successful each time, I feel much less stressed out than I would for a major launch.

Tell Them (a Lot) More Than Once

Just to clarify though, you can’t just tell your folks about this once. 

You do need to keep talking to them, keep giving them reasons to take you up on your offer, keep letting them know how big the bonus is and how fast-acting.

Remember, only a fraction of your audience sees anything you post/send and many need to think about it or see it at the perfect time when they’re not distracted to buy. 

So for this (short) duration of your launch, try to remind them about it as close to every day as you can.

You Don’t Need a Big Following To Do This

Now, before you start fretting that this would only work for someone with a huge following… Not so.

I’ve got a small social media following and an even smaller email list. Last time I did this, the first spot was claimed less than 2 minutes after I announced it. 

This time, I’ve made sales every day I’ve promoted it and people have been claiming spots even though I took a 3-day weekend and haven’t mentioned the sale publicly since Thursday. And, I even forgot to mention it on the latest episode of my podcast. That’s right. It’s a 7-day sale and I took 3 days off in the middle of promoting it to my very small following and it is still selling.

Hell, if you’re offering a good enough deal, you might even gain followers because you’re doing this!

Get On Your Lab Coat and Start Experimenting Then Let Me Know How It Goes!

You are never powerless in your business.

If the sales haven’t been pouring in, no prob. You can play with your tactics til you find the stuff that works.

Why not start by letting the people who are already in your corner know how much you appreciate them and want them to keep coming back?

No but for real for real, I have a super amazing sale for Marketing Confidence Cheerleading going on through Wednesday, April 26th. As of now, I’m offering more than $200 off a 1:1 with me. Normally a $299 booking, you can vanquish your marketing blocks with me for just $90… if you’re the first person to claim it. If you want it, email me at to nab it! Once that’s claimed, the price increases to $100 to the first person who claims that, then $110 and so on and so forth.

And if you try this tactic, let me know how it goes for you! Tag me on Instagram @misamessaging or TikTok @confidencecheerleader. Happy sales!

Isa Gautschi

Marketing Confidence Cheerleader for small business baddies in the fields of health, wellness, the creative arts, and marketing/branding/advertising/creative.

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2 Years In: a (Business) Survival Story