Adopt An All-Stars All-Winners Attitude


The Number 1 marketing killer for small businesses I see is… self-doubt. 

It happens to the best of us. Something goes wrong and we get stuck in our heads and too overwhelmed to show up in our marketing. And the more we shut down, the lower our sales go. And our confidence drops. So we keep not showing up at our best. It’s a vicious cycle.


If you’re a RuPaul’s Drag Race superfan like me, you’ve probably watched this happen to many a-talented queen. She gets too in her head to let her charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent shine, and then she’s asked to sashay away. And the audience is robbed of more time with some of our very favorite queens.

This is why I’m so enjoying watching All Stars 7, where the competitors have all already won a season. I don’t even think we’ve seen a single self-doubt spiral yet! (I’m on episode 3.) I’m so inspired by seeing how these icons handle challenges, setbacks, and uncertainty. May we all have an All Stars All-Winners approach to marketing our businesses.

Here is some inspiration we can take from these legends.

No. 1: Have Fun

These queens are so fun to watch because you can tell they’re having so much fun. They might be faced with a difficult challenge, they might have uncertainty about what’s going to happen next and how they’ll prevail- but dammit, they’re still enjoying every second of the experience. 

And because they’re so present, they can react in real-time! That’s why we’re getting joke after joke, quip after quip.

There’s so much more for the audience to connect to when queens are out of their heads and in the moment.

What if that’s how you decided to show up for your business? Regardless of the challenges, uncertainty, the competition, and the audience- you’re going to enjoy the shit out of your business and find the most fun and creative ways to do your marketing.

No. 2: Believe In The Fantasy, Believe In Yourself

I loooove hearing the queens describe their runway looks because you can hear how much they believe in their vision and how much they understand that the fantasy they’re creating is a gift to the audience. Them getting their dreams gives us life.

So does you getting yours.

What if every time you talk about your business and your offer, you have so much faith and pride in your vision that you know customers can’t wait to pay you to get in on that fantasy? Let ‘em know what’s possible when you believe in yourself.

No. 3: Take Credit

Another reason I love hearing the queens describe their runway looks is because these winners take so much pride in all the effort, skill, vision, and detail they’ve put into the presentation of each lewk.

They’re going to make sure you notice that glow, the beat to the gods, the hair high as heaven, and their command of the runway because they’ve put so much into making this moment, and they’re going to make sure they - and you- enjoy every second.

Now, I know you have been werking hard in your business. Please take your moment and take credit for all you’ve put into bringing us this offer. 

No. 4: Don’t Internalize Setbacks

[Warning: Episode 3 Spoiler]

I loved Jinkx Monsoon’s reaction to being confronted with a challenge in design- something she doesn’t have much experience in.

  • She set a reasonable goal: come out in something the judges could recognize as a dress

  • She accepted help from Trinity

  • She stayed calm and found the humor in the situation, joking from the stage that now we know her one weakness

It was a delight to see this icon not get phased by a setback, not beat herself up about it, and not let it make her doubt her talent and legendary status.

Remember: you don’t have to be perfect at everything to be an absolute joy to watch. Having weaknesses doesn’t make you any less amazing. Your humanity, self-love, and confidence are inspiring and endearing. You got this. Don’t stop showing up in your marketing.

No. 5: Honor Your Boundaries

[Another Episode 3 Spoiler]

As a recovering people-pleaser, I really loved the way Shea & Jinkx politely but firmly turned down the alliance offer.

You don’t gotta do anything you don’t want to do- even if someone you like and respect is advising you to. Winners follow their own inner guidance.

(This is your permission to disregard any marketing “best practices” that don’t feel aligned with your situation and values.)

Do you need support in recognizing that you’re a winner, baby? Book a Marketing Confidence Cheerleader session for some gentle encouragement & fierce strategy. 

Isa Gautschi

M.Isa Messaging CEO


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